Posts Tagged ‘cpan’


I have just uploaded a new module to the CPAN: Test::Override::UserAgent. This is geared toward developers that use LWP::UserAgent in their modules and want to easily test their code without having a live Internet connection or starting up a test server to make requests against. Just about every single module I have on the CPAN […]

New Header in Nagios-Plugin-OverHTTP 0.12

In the newest version of Nagios-Plugin-OverHTTP (0.12) that was just pushed out to the CPAN, support for a new header was introduced, thanks to Alex Wollangk. The header is X-Nagios-Information and is used to contain the message for the plugin check. Why would this be wanted? Well, if added to a page, the page itself […]

Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP 0.11

A new release of Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP was just pushed to the CPAN. This release brings no new features, but does change what is installed. The check_over_http script is now no longer automatically installed to the bin. Also when trying to get the plugin to work under ePN in Nagios, I discovered that if some spaces are […]

Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP 0.10

Apparently jumped the gun on the release and just added another new feature to Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP and included it in version 0.10. The new feature is actually complementary to the previous new feature. Now if a response is received from the HTTP server that does not indicate the Nagios service status, then not only will it […]

Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP 0.09

A new version of Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP was just pushed out to the CPAN that includes an additional option: to set what the status will be reported as if the HTTP response did not include a status. If you want the default status to be critical instead of unknown (the previous and current default), just add –default_status=CRITICAL […]

Watching Upstream Dependencies

I am subscribed to the RSS feed for CPAN uploads and watch for new versions of CPAN distributions my modules depend on and read their change logs. The other day I saw Moose 0.89 come out and saw a new feature added where the trigger of an attribute will now receive the old value if […]

Net::SAJAX 0.102

In the short time since the first release of Net::SAJAX, there has been three more releases. Version 0.100 changed the call method to now return native Perl data structures instead of JE objects, and so some quirks with using the JE objects as Perl data structures were no more. Version 0.102 introduced a new attribute […]

New Perl module: Net::SAJAX

I have created and uploaded a new module to the CPAN today: Net::SAJAX. This module came about because I am writing private modules that interact with some public applications that utilize the SAJAX library. Please note, though, that this is a horrible library. It is only really functional in PHP, even though the creators name […]

Authen::CAS::External 0.03

A new version of Authen::CAS::External has now been uploaded to the CPAN. It brings with it a new improvement where it can now authenticate against a CAS server that does not redirect the client back to the service using the Location header field in the HTTP response, but instead uses an anchor link on the […]

Introducing Authen::CAS::External

I have uploaded a new module to the CPAN: Authen::CAS::External. Yes, the module was actually uploaded a while ago, but I have not gotten around to writing about it until now. This module performs authentication against a CAS server on behalf of a user. Currently the module only supports simple authentication using a username and […]