Archive for the ‘Perl’ Category

Net::SAJAX 0.102

In the short time since the first release of Net::SAJAX, there has been three more releases. Version 0.100 changed the call method to now return native Perl data structures instead of JE objects, and so some quirks with using the JE objects as Perl data structures were no more. Version 0.102 introduced a new attribute […]

New Perl module: Net::SAJAX

I have created and uploaded a new module to the CPAN today: Net::SAJAX. This module came about because I am writing private modules that interact with some public applications that utilize the SAJAX library. Please note, though, that this is a horrible library. It is only really functional in PHP, even though the creators name […]

Authen::CAS::External 0.03

A new version of Authen::CAS::External has now been uploaded to the CPAN. It brings with it a new improvement where it can now authenticate against a CAS server that does not redirect the client back to the service using the Location header field in the HTTP response, but instead uses an anchor link on the […]

Introducing Authen::CAS::External

I have uploaded a new module to the CPAN: Authen::CAS::External. Yes, the module was actually uploaded a while ago, but I have not gotten around to writing about it until now. This module performs authentication against a CAS server on behalf of a user. Currently the module only supports simple authentication using a username and […]

Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP gets timeout

In versions of Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP previous to 0.06 the only way to set a timeout on the plugin was to initiate your own LWP::UserAgent and set the timeout on it and pass that to Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP like: use LWP::UserAgent; use Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP;   my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(timeout => 20); my $plugin = Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP->new(useragent => $ua);use LWP::UserAgent; use Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP; […]

New check_over_http features

Yesterday I finished up some more features to Plugin::Nagios::OverHTTP. Before the only parameter that could be passed was url. Now this parameter can still be passed, but you may also pass other individual parameters, including hostname, path, and ssl. This helps improve the check_over_http utility which would be used in the Nagios checking. Typically the […]

First Perl Module on CPAN

Yesterday I published my first full module to CPAN: Nagios::Plugin::OverHTTP. The module is based on Moose and includes the Nagios plugin in the distribution in bin/check_over_http. I will be improving this module, but wanted to push it out to CPAN as soon as it was at least usable. The module is avaiable in my Github […]


So what is the business with the following global variable I keep seeing in CPAN modules these days? our $AUTHORITY; So I searched a bit to figure it out, and found it made its way from Perl 6. A description of its use in Perl 6 can be found in Synopsis 11: Modules. Essentially Perl […]


From my earlier post, after talking in #Perl, I have changed the name of the module from Archive::OPC to File::OPC. It is still not on CPAN, as I won’t release it until it can at least read Open Packaging Convention files. The module is being written using Moose.

Open Packaging Convention

I’ve recently been working on reading Open Office XML files using Perl, and I’ve made a lot of progress with the implementation of the Open Packaging Convention specification as a Perl module. I think soon I will be releasing a version of it to CPAN. I am not too sure of what the module should […]