WWW::USF::Directory Published

I have published my interface to the University of South Florida online directory to the CPAN as WWW::USF::Directory. This is a start to my USF-oriented modules to go up on the CPAN for public use. This module allows you to interact with the USF online directory. It can be used to make a simple directory repeater like so:

package Directory;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use base 'CGI::Application';
use JSON 2.00; # The API was changed
use Try::Tiny;
use WWW::USF::Directory;
sub setup {
	my ($self) = @_;
	# Create a directory object for use later
	$self->{directory} = WWW::USF::Directory->new(
		include_faculty  => 1,
		include_staff    => 1,
		include_students => 0,
	# Start in search mode, which is the only mode
	$self->run_modes(search => 'search');
sub search {
	my ($self) = @_;
	# Hold the results and response
	my (@results, $response);
	# Set the header to specity JSON
	$self->header_add(-type => 'application/json');
	try {
		# Search the directory
		@results = $self->{directory}->search(
			name => scalar $self->query->param('name'),
		foreach my $result (@results) {
			# Change the ::Directory::Entry object into a hash of its attributes
			$result = _moose_object_as_hash($result);
			if (exists $result->{affiliations}) {
				$result->{affiliations} = [map {
				} @{$result->{affiliations}}];
		# Return the JSON-encoded results to print
		$response = JSON->new->encode({
			results => \@results,
	catch {
		# Get the error
		my $error = $_;
		# Return a JSON with the error
		$response = JSON->new->encode({
			error   => "$error",
			results => [],
	# Return the response
	return $response;
sub _moose_object_as_hash {
	my ($object) = @_;
	# Convert a Moose object to a HASH with the attribute_name => attribute_value
	my $hash = { map {
		($_->name, $_->get_value($object))
	} $object->meta->get_all_attributes };
	return $hash;
package main;
use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
# Start and tun the application

This will actually be added as an example in the next release. You can run this as a CGI and use the name param to pass what to search for, or run it from the command line with name="Name".

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